L.N.E.R Gresley 51 ft 1/2 non corridor stock
7000 7 Compartment Full First downgraded to compo or 3rd in BR days £43.00
7001 8 Compartment All Third- most common non corridor type £43.00
7002 3 Compartment Brake Third £43.00
7003 4Compartment Brake Third- most widespread Bk 3rd £43.00
7004 5Compartment Brake Third £43.00
7005 6 Compartment Brake Third £43.00
7006 6 Comp Brake Composite 1st/3rd - some conv to push pull £43.00
7007 Semi corridor Lav. Composite 1st/3rd £45.00 NEW
7009 Non Corridor Full Brake/Parcels £43.00
7010 Four wheel Full Brake / Pidgeon diagram 120 £36.00
L.N.E.R 52ft 6in Corridor Stock
7101 Gresley LNER 7 Compartment All Third Brake for ex GER area £45.00
7102 Gresley LNER 3 Compartment Brake Third built for ex GER area £45.00
7103 Gresley Short Corridor Full Brake £45.00
L.N.E.R Gresley 61ft 6in Standard Corridor Stock
7200 7 Compartment All First £48.00
7201 8 Compartment All Third - this was most numerous type £48.00
7202 3 Compartment Brake Third £48.00
7203 4 Compartment Brake Third £48.00
7204 Brake Composite 4 Thirds, 2 Firsts and Short Brake Compartment £48.00
7205 Full Brake Standard Wood Panelled Type £46.00 LIB
7206A Gresley Buffet Car as built - requires some C&C £50.00
7206B Gresley Buffet Car as rebuilt by BR in the 1960s - C&C ditto £50.00
7208 Open Third dia 186 £48.00
7209 Brake open third (4 bay) £48.00
7210 Full Brake Steel Panelled type £46.00 NEW LIB
LIB = lasted into blue
L.N.E.R Articulated Stock
(7300,1 &2 packed to order only some cut and carve required No underframe trusses or lower footsteps hence lower prices)
7300 Quad Art Non Corridor all third set built for ex GNR area £120.00
7301 Quad Art Non corridor composite set built for ex GNR area (usually ran with 7300) £120.00
7302 Quint Art Non corridor composite set built for ex GNR area £140.00
7305 Third/Third artic twin £85.00
7306 Third/First artic twin £85.00
7307 Third/ Brake third artic twin £85.00 * These have 5 Compartment Brake 3rds the C&C 4 comp. Bk 3rd can be substituted
7308 Brake third/ Composite 1st/3rd £85.00 * These have 5 compartment Brake 3rds the C&C 4 comp. Bk 3rd can be substituted
L.N.E.R Thompson 52ft 4in non corridor stock
7400 7 Compartment All First - round corner windows out of stock
7401 8 Compartment All Third - round corner windows £42.00
7402 4 Compartment Brake Third * £42.00
7404 Brake Composite 1st/3rd * out of stock
* these require some panels to be cut, joined and rubbed down
L.N.E.R Coaches using "New Concept" modules (except7505)
7500 Gresley Tourist Stock Articulated Twin open thirds £84.00
7501 Gresley Tourist Stock Brake Open Third £47.00
7502 Gresley Tourist Stock Buffet Car (requires some panels to be cut) £47.00
7505 Thompson match boarded Full Brake £45.00 LIB (lasted into blue)
7506 Thompson 61ft6in Corridor Third £47.00
7507 Thompson 61ft6in Corridor Brake Third £47.00
7508 Thompson 59ft6in Corridor Composite 1st/3rd £47.00
7509 Thompson 63 ft. Open Third discontinued and sold out * *These will be discontinued once stock of the 63ft roofs are used up.
7510 Thompson 63ft Brake Composite 1st/3rd sold out * The proposed range of Ellis Clark RTR Thompsons are so good that there is no point in me expanding the 63 ft range . The long roof was on the limit for my machine in any case. The short Thomson types will continue and I can of course make up packs for 63 ft types as C&C as standard roofs will have to be .cut and shut to get the right length.